Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Project Proposal!

Project Proposal for TEAM “SMASH”

I. Natural Resources

I.a. Topic: SMC Legacy Garden

I.b. Plan of Approach: Cycle of Produce, OR History

I.c. Possible interviewees: Julie Welch, Sodexo workers (ie Matt Carol), Damaris

I.d. Visual opportunities: Work in the garden, “behind the scenes” of sodexo, quick history shots

I.e. Audio opportunities: Damaris

I.f. Obstacles and the plan to over come them: Weather, garden needs to be ideal- we will have to plan accordingly.

I.g. Schedule: *already planned (post rain?)


II. Human Resources

II.a. Topic: 3 days, 3 lives

II.b. Plan of Approach: Veronica, Fernando, and landscapee*

II.c. Possible interviewees: “ “ “ “

II.d. Visual opportunities: Home, family, transportation, work, etc

II.e. Audio opportunities: Damaris

II.f. Obstacles and the plan to over come them: Respect comfort, develop relationship, how to get home environment footage without crossing, language barrier.

II.g. Schedule: *already planned


III. Water

III.a. Topic: “Sourcing” Water & Sewage lines over lap (EBMUDD)

III.b. Plan of Approach: Expose the problem, where’s supply origin?

III.c. Possible interviewees: Campus facilities, students

III.d. Visual opportunities: Dani’s waterfall :) brita filter/other alternatives

III.e. Audio opportunities: Damaris

III.f. Obstacles and the plan to over come them: ?

III.g. Schedule: TBA *post rain




IV. Energy

IV.a. Topic: “Flick the switch”

IV.b. Plan of Approach: What is it? what’s the benefits? what happened? Peak hours of energy waste? (* shawny has the website)

IV.c. Possible interviewees: Jessie, students

IV.d. Visual opportunities: ?

IV.e. Audio opportunities: Damaris

IV.f. Obstacles and the plan to over come them: Visual opportunities

IV.g. Schedule: TBA


V. Waste

V.a. Topic: “Dumpster Dump” (how students handle waste)

V.b. Plan of Approach: Dumpster dump at the townhouses- trash on top a tarp

V.c. Possible interviewees: Workers, students

V.d. Visual opportunities: The amount of trash (in the middle of townhouses)

V.e. Audio opportunities: Damaris, party sounds in the background

V.f. Obstacles and the plan to over come them: ?

V.g. Schedule: TBA

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